Comparing Leather Bag Companies, Portland Leather Goods, KMM & Co., and Go Forth Goods
Portland Leather Goods Medium Crossbody
In recent years, luxury brands worldwide have been astronomical with their handbag price, and I thought this was the perfect time to draw attention to some American companies that produce quality handmade bags. So often, I pay a ridiculous amount of money for handbags that are not practical for everyday use. In addition, the quality of the bags is questionable as many of them are made with plastic-coated canvas or bonded leather. I am not saying I quit buying designer bags because there are still quality designer bags that are gorgeous and made with quality leather. Though, for everyday use, I frequently reach for these almost carefree handmade leather bags. They are tough and durable. These handcrafted bags look better the more you use them than designer handbags that often look worn, exhausted, and dated. What is worse is that designer brands usually don't tell you exactly what material they use or source. Tricky and vague terms were used to confuse consumers and distract them from the fact that they were using a low-quality material.
There are many handmade leather bag companies in the US. I have tried many of them and decided to compare these three companies, Portland Leather Goods, KMM & Co., Go Forth Goods, because I frequently bought from them and thought I could share my experience. I love these companies for the disclaimer, and I thought they were interesting in their ways. I am not here to pit them against each other. I believe in healthy competition and creating an environment where we all can grow together. As a consumer, I think it is essential to be well-informed and buy the products we genuinely love. From frequently scrolling my Facebook groups, I sometimes noticed new customers jumping in without knowing much about these companies and didn't love what they bought. I hope this blog post could prevent you from spending your hard-earned money on regretting experiences and hopefully helps you find the bag you would love using.
Straight away, I want to talk about their prices. All three companies have increased their prices in the last 24 months. If you are wondering why products from Portland Leather Goods are more affordable than KMM & Co. and Go Forth Goods, PLG makes their bags and accessories in Mexico instead of in the US as they used to. Also, the design of PLG's totes allows them to better utilize every inch of their leather, which probably helps reduce cost. If you compare the similar totes they offer, the prices of bags from KMM and GFG are higher and in a similar range. This is because KMM and GFG make their bags in the US, and both companies are actually from Georgia.
KMM & Co. Classic Tote
All these three companies claim to source their leather mainly from the US. And some of the leathers may appear similar, so I won't be surprised if their leather sources overlap. They all use full-grain chrome-tanned leather, except sometimes PLG and KMM would add a few items made from vegetable-tanned leather. In terms of leather thickness, GFG takes the crown! Especially their pebble leather, they are thick and supple! I don't see the leather bags from them breaking down anytime soon. However, thick leather also leads to heavier bags. If you prefer a lighter one, you may want to go for smaller bag options. For PLG, I would categorize their leather as medium thickness. Their leather has the right consistency to ensure durability without adding too much weight. On the other hand, leather from KMM is all over the spectrum. So you could find bags with different leather thicknesses depending on the color and the type of leather they use. If you have a specific preference for leather, it is best to check with them or research it on the KMM Facebook group before purchasing.
The tote is the most popular product for all three companies. Portland Leather Goods offer their totes from small to oversized, and you can get them with or without zipper closure. Aside from the classic tote, PLG also has three sizes of crossbody totes available, and you can choose either with a button closure or zipper closure. With rapid growth, PLG has also released more and more bag designs, including various forms of bucket bags, backpacks, shoulder bags, etc. Since PLG has grown into a bigger company in recent years, they have moved away from doing customization.
Go Forth Goods Avery Slim Large Tote
KMM & Co. offers multiple sizes of totes as well. So you could choose a size that works for you, from the mini to the more oversized market tote. When ordering the tote, you can change the strap length, add a button closure, or add the crossbody option to your tote. There are extra fees for each modification, so it could add up if you decide to add all the customizations. In addition to that, you could search for the secret menu for more upgrades, like changing the strap colors or adding a matching clutch.
KMM & Co. Vegetable-Tanned Leather Classic Tote
Like PLG and KMM, Go Forth Goods also offers multiple options for their tote bag. Besides totes, GFG also provides many other bag designs, like a crossbody, a duffel, a backpack, a waist bag, a briefcase, etc. Unfortunately, GFG had recently decided to cut back on customization to speed up their production speed. Despite that, you still have many customization options when buying their totes. For example, you could add brass feet, make it into a crossbody, or add a button or stud strap closure.
Quality has never been my concern for handmade bags from PLG, KMM, and GFG. All these companies make their bags with full-grain leather, which is undoubtedly durable and long-lasting. Previously, when I did unboxing videos of my handmade bags, some viewers pointed out that the tote bag from PLG is constructed from two pieces of leather instead of one whole piece of leather offered from KMM and GFG. Of course, having a tote made using one whole piece of leather is excellent, but I don't think you need to worry about the totes from PLG either. All my PLG leather bags have no issues whatsoever, even when I carry heavy stuff during travel. Totes from all of them were constructed in a similar fold-in structure at the bottom. With a design like this, you tend to see corner wear once you start using them. You won't see holes develop in the corners; the corner wear shows up from colors being brushed off.
Let's face it, they all produce high-quality products. As a result, you are likely to love their bags regardless of which company you choose. Now, let's discuss the sales they have so you can get the best deal when buying your new bags! On the PLG website, you can get a 20-25% discount from their regular listings, and sometimes you may see a 30% off during holidays. If you are looking for something even more affordable, check out their "Almost Perfect" section, where you see lower prices for their second-grade products. Their "Almost Perfect" bags are still of excellent quality. Often I couldn't find any flaws when I bought an "Almost Perfect" bag.
For KMM & Co., you could get 15% off when you checkout. The promo code is usually there when you are ready to checkout. To get a better deal, I encourage you to join the KMM Facebook Group or sign up for their newsletter to get an up to 20% off discount code. In addition, you can also find great deals by visiting their scratch-and-dent sales page.
Portland Leather Goods Crossbody Tote
If you want to get a great deal from Go Forth Goods, joining the GFG Facebook group is your best chance, as they usually announce their sales on the group first. GFG offers a 15% off code when you sign up for their email newsletter, but from time to time, they give out a 20-25% off code during holidays.
I hope this brief comparison gives you a rough idea of what to buy from these companies. If you are still unsure or have more questions, feel free to binge-watch my unboxing/review videos on my YouTube channel or ask me anything in the comment area. For customers new to PLG, buying a mystery box is an excellent way to start unless you know exactly what you like. For tote bags on the KMM website, I suggest adding a button closure when you purchase. It has been one of my favorite features, effectively keeping my stuff secured in the tote. Finally, regarding shopping on the GFG website, I urge you to consider getting one of their totes with the hemmed top, as they have a more refined look compared to other companies mentioned in this blog post. Personally, I love adding brass feet to my tote as well. Not because I think they could protect the bottom, I found brass feet are effective in slowing down the corner wear. It makes sense because GFG installs the brass feet near the corner, so when you put your bag down, the corners are not touching the ground. In conclusion, I have enjoyed the great bags I bought from them, and I will certainly buy more when they release new color options!
Get 30% off on your FIRST Portland Leather Goods order of $100 or more with this referral link:
Go Forth Goods Avery Slim Large Tote